
When: 30/01/23
Tee times: 9:30am
Cost: $10
What: 18 holes, shotgun start at selected tee time. Players meeting to be held at 9:30am so please be ready to go at this time


You will need to be a member of SA Disc Golf to participate in the league. To become a member follow the link below:

2023 SADG membership | SA Disc Golf

You will be competing in divisions based on your Metrix rating which will be automatically assigned during registration.

Division 1: >860
Division 2: 800-860
Division 3: 730-800
Division 4: <730

Prizes and presentations

There will be prizes awarded for the following:

  • Winners of each division based on scratch score
  • Random draw - all particpants in the league day will automatically be included in the random draw

A massive thank you to our amazing sponsors for supporting the league:



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